Thursday, March 10, 2022

Book Links March 10, 2022

All books have Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur unless pointed otherwise. 

All books are listed as follows:

Name of the Book - Author (license date and information)

Some have the marking "+ Imprimi Potest" or "+ Permissu Superiorum", this only means another license is added to the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. 


Dogmatic Theology : The True Religion - Monsignor G. Van Noort, S.T.D, (1954)

Dogmatic Theology 2: The Church of Christ - Monsignor G. Van Noort, S.T.D.

Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology - Pietro Parente, Antonio Piolanti, Salvatore Garofalo and Translated b Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.I., S.T.D., Ph.D. (+ Imprimi Potest, 1951)

Outlines of Dogmatic Theology Volume One - Sylvester Joseph Hunter, S.J., (1894)

Outlines of Dogmatic Theology Volume Two (1894)

Outlines of Dogmatic Theology Volume Three (1894)

God and His Creation - William B. Murphy, S.T.L., Thomas C. Donlan., S.T.L., ST.D., John S. Reidy, S.T.L., PH.D., and Francis L. B. Cunningham, S.T.L., S.T.D (+Imprimi Potest, 1958)


Introduction to Philosophy - Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, (One Imprimatur, 1943)

The Concept of Sacred Theology - Joesph Clifford Fenton., S.T.D., (2 Imprimatur, 1941)

Cosmology - Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D., (2 Nihl Obstat, 2 Impriatur, 1939)

Ethics - Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D (2 Nihil Obstat, 2 Imprimatur, 1930)

Dialectics - Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D (2 Nihil Obstat, 2 Imprimatur, 1929)


The Principles of Christian Apologetics - Rev. T.J. Walshe (1918)


The True Vine and its Branches - Rev. Edward Leen (+ Imprimi Potest, 1938) 

Christ in the Church - Robert Hugh Benson (1911)

The Doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ - Abbe Anger and Rev. John J. Burke, C.S.P., S.T.D -Translator- (+Permissu Superiorum, 1931)


A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture - Dom Bernard Orchard, M.A., Rev. Edmund F. Sutcliffe S.J, M.A., Rev. Reignald C. Fuller, D.D, M.A., Dom Ralph Russell M.A.(1951)


Christ the Life of the Soul: Spiritual Conferences - Rev. D Columba Marmion (1922)

The Christian Life - Francis L. B. Cunningham, O.P., S.T.I., S.T.D (1939)


Handbook of the Christian Religion Rev. W. Wilmers S.J., and Rev- James Conway S.J.(One Imprimatur, 1868)


The Whole Christ. The Historical Development of Transubstantiation - John R. Kelly, S.J., (1938)  

Christ and His Sacraments - Thomas C. Donlan, O.P, Francis L. B. Cunningham, O.P, and Augustine Rock, O.P. (+ Imprimi Potest 1958)

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