Thursday, October 28, 2021

Papal Magisterium in English

Seeking to preserve Papal Writings, the Catholic Archive shares with you some Papal Writings PDF to download. 

Ordained by Alphabetic Order. 


Apostolicae Sedi Nuntiatum by Pope Pius IX - Condemning False Christian Unity

Apostolic Letter to Cardinal Respighi Condemning Proselytism of Protestants

 Auctorem Fidei by Pope Pius VI - On the Synod of Pistoia 

Contra Doctrinam by Pope Pius XII - Condemnation of Situation Ethics

Epistola Tua by Pope Leo XIII - On the Submission of writers to the Church regarding Religious Affairs

Iam Vos Omnes by Pope Pius IX - Apostolic Letter directed at non-catholics at the convocation of the (First) Vatican Council

Multiplices Inter Machinationes by Pope Pius IX - Condemnation of Freemasonry

Nous Vous Souhaitons by Pope Pius XII - On Psychotheraphy and Clinical Psycholohy

Radio Message "La Famiglia" by Pope Pius XII . On the Family 

Soyez les Bienvenues by Pope Pius XII - Adress to Catholic Young Women

Quamvis Inquieti by Pope Pius XII - To the Jesuits

Vegliare con Sollecitudine by Pius XII - Adress to Association of Catholic Midwives


Apostolicae Curae by Pope Leo XIII - On the Validity of Anglican Ordinations

Benedictus Deus by Pope Benedict XII - On the Beatific Vision

Consueverunt Romani by Pope Saint Pius V - Asking the Faithfull to Pray for Victory at Lepanto War

Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio by Pope Paul IV - On Heretical Ecclesiastical Authorities

De Defectibus by Pope Saint Pius V - On Defects During the Celebration of Mass

Exsurge Domine by Pope Leo X - Condemnation of Martin Luther

Humani Generis by Pius XII - On Modern Errors 

Immortale Dei by Pope Leo XIII - On the Christian Constitution of States

Lamentabili Sane by St. Pius X - Condemnations of Modernism

Mirari Vos by Pope Gregory XVI on Liberalism and Lukewarmness 

Pascendi Dominici Gregis bt St, Pius X- On Modernism 

Sacramentum Ordinis  by Pope Pius XII - On the Rites of Ordination for Diaconate, Priesthood and Episcopasy

Satis Cognitum by Pope Leo XII - On the Unity of the Church

Syllabus of Errors by Pope Saint Pius X 

Quo Primum by St. Pius V -. On the Holy Mass

Unam Sanctam by Boniface VIII - On Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus and the Unity og the Church

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