Thursday, November 4, 2021

Novus Ordo Watch 2018: January, February and March


The Importance of Not Being... Sedevacantist? Chris Ferrara's Double Standard 

News Digest January 7 2018

The Amoris Laetitia Effect: Novus Ordo Theologian argues Couples may be REQUIRED to use Contraception 

"Cardinal" Schonborn: Amoris Laetitia adds what is missing from one-sided Veritatis Splendor

Dutch Abortion Activist claims "Pope" Francis bestowed Pontifical Honor upon her 

Francis: "I don't go to the Doctor, I go to the Witch"

The Francis Show in Chile and Peru (Link Collection)

The Ultramontanism Objection 

Bergoglio's Boss? The Man whom the "Dictator Pope" obeys

Fake Pope decries Fake News: A Critical Commentary

Veritatis Gaudium - Francis' latest "Apostolic" Constitution 

Is it Adultery? In Portugal, YOU Decide!

Francis and the Idolatry of Conscience 


A Perfect Example of Naturalism: Francis reflects on Death wihour Judgement, Heaven or Hell 

Omar Bello: Francis Plays Both Sides

Archidiocese of Turin Organizes Lenten Retreat to Teach "Fidelity" to Sodomite Couples 

"Fools' Mass" in Aachen Celebrates Joy of Carnival 

News Digest February 2018 

Novus Ordo Deacon gives Cheery Review of Movie that glorifies Sodomy 

Five Years Ago Today: Benedict XVI Resigns

Blasphemy In Your Face: The Seminary Chapel in Graz, Austria 

Conscience, Sin, and a "New Paradigm": Blase Cupich unloads Bergoglian Bilge at Cambridge 

German "Bishops" cause Outrage by allowing "Holy Communion" for Protestants on Case-by-Case Basis 

Francis: I don't Read Websites that Accuse me of Being a Heretic

Playing Favorites: Francis' Accountability Standard

In Memoriam: Most Rev. Michel-Louis Guerard des Lauriers, O.P. (1898-1988)

Italian Novus Ordo Paper publishes Blasphemous Comic showing St. Mary Magdalen slapping Jesus Christ


A Foreword Gone Awry: SSPX issues Disclaimer concerning Fr. Robinson's New Book 

The Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches 

Vatican Fake News Fiasco: Now a Third Omitted Paragraph from Benedict xvi`s Letter appears! 

News Digest March 7, 2018 

Yes, John Paul II really did kiss the Koran: The Evidence 

Two-Horned Beast Altar in Germany

A Naturalist Let: Dissecting Francis' Ash Wednesday Sermon 

Francis: "There is no Hell, there is the Disappearance of Sinful Souls"

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