Friday, April 8, 2022

2 Wonderful Prayers for the Sorrows of Mary

Today is Passion Friday, when we remember the Sorrows of Mary. 
In "The Glories of Mary", St. Alphonsus writes two wonderful prayers to 
obtain her intercesion:

O my afflicted Mother, be graciously pleased, 
by the merit of the sorrows which thou didst endure 
at the foot of the cross, to obtain for me 

true sorrow for my sins and love for Jesus my 
Redeemer; and by the sword which transpierced
 thy heart when thou didst see him bow down 
his head and expire, 

I bessech thee to help me at the 
hour of my death, and then to obtain me eternal salvation,
that I may love thee with thy Jesus forever. 

 Oh Mary, sweet refuge of poor sinners, and my tender Mother!

When my soul must depart from this world, by the grief
that thou didst experience in being present at the death
of thy Divine Son on the cross, I beesech thee to assist 
me with thy mercy.

 Banish from me the infernal enemies,
and come then to take my soul and to present it to the
Eternal Judge. My Queen, do not abandon me; it is thou
who after Jesus must be my help at that dreadful moment.

Ask thy Son than in his goodness he may grant me the
grace to die while embracing thy feet, and to breathe
forth my soul into His sacred wounds while saying:

Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.

The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus is a true classic. 

It offers you meditations for the Litany of  Mary, for different feasts dedicated to her, information about her devotions and stories concerning people who merited from her intercesion, and much more!. 

But most importanly, concerning today, it gives you a wonderful opportunity to meditate and learn about her Sorrows and obtain multuple fruits from such reading. 

You can find it at the Internet Archive.

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