Monday, May 16, 2022

Novus Ordo Watch 2022


False Forgiveness: Bergoglio promotes Feelings-Based Theology in Sermon for Divine Mercy Sunday

Francis to Vatican Ecumenists: Catholics Need Protestatnts!

In Message to "LGBTQ Catholics", Francis Confirms Aberrosexuals in their "Identity"

The Heights of Absurdity: Rock-Climbing Wall Installed in Vienna Cathedral



Distinguished Pre-Vatican II Theologian: A Heretical Pope is Impossible

Francis twists the Gospel: "The Lord is not lookig for Perfect Christians"

Documentary: Behold the "New American Catholic" of 1968

Paul VI to Lay Leaders in 1966: Trasform Yourselves "into the Image of the Conciliar Church"!

Yes, Judas is in Hell: Response to Steve Kellmeyer


Eyesore in the Sanctuary: Consekration of IKEA ALtar in Dominican Church in Vienna

Francis claims mistreaing Human Beings is "Sacrilege": A Reality Check on the Sacred and the Profane

Fatima Farce: Apostate Antipope konsecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Francis says "Wars are Always Unjust", contradicting traditioal Catholic Moral Doctrine

Apostolic Sucession after Pope Pius XII: Where is the Hierarchy?

Francis says Words of Jesus are not the Word of God

News Digest March One, 2022


Rome Will be Without a Shepherd: Virgin Mary to Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840's

What Game is Francis Playing with the FSSP?

Liturgical Absurdistan: Final Blessing with Guitar at Novus Ordo Mass Near Chicago

No Holy Spirit Here: Welcome to the "Tent" Church of the Unholy Ghost

Game Over: Blasphemous Declaration on Human Fraternity becomes Official "Papal" Act

Faithless Francis: Heretics and Apostates are Part of the Church, "We are Brothers"

Rated Z: John Zuhlsdorf Recommends Movie with Nudity and profanity


Francis Uhinghed: Word of God leads us to Man, Caring for Others more importat than Religious Ceremony

Why You're Not Novus Ordo Anymore: "A Eucharistic Celebration" instead of Holy Sacrifice

Tendentious Theology: Francis' Selective Use of the Concept of Moral Obligation

Church of the Squashed Mushrom? St. James the Apostle Parish in Ferrara, Italy

Scratch That: How Salza and Siscoe misrepresent Fr. Laymann in their Crusade against Sedevacantism

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