Saturday, June 4, 2022

True Devotion to Mary, Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements, and more finds!


The Catholic Archivist offers you with a select number of Catholic Literature for your edification, enjoyment and learning. Today, June 4th, 2022, we present links to rare and/or high quality out of print books.

We encourage you to download or purchase this books by yourself. Thanks to the ever increasing obtrusive behavior of the satanic government, as well as crybully activists and hate-speech control maniacs, preserving Catholic documents is of utmost importance. Not everyone can write articles defending the Doctrine of the Church, not everyone can have a podcast, but everyone can do a service to Christ by preserving the documents of his Church. 

The Internet Archive offers audio opportunities and access for print disabled users; this can be preserved in a mp3 format which is audio format; however, I must admit the quality is not very high. 

Learn to love Mary and Jesus with St. Louis Grignion de Montfort's all-time classical book True Devotion to Mary. The Church teaches us how important it is to develop a fruitfull and pure devotion to She who Bore the Lamb of God; and how important it is to make sure our devotion is not like that of the pharisees, tainted with hypocrisy and lukewarmness! This book will surely help all those who pay attention to it's words. 

Few Devotions have been as recommended as that of the Rosary, where we remember the Life of Our Lord with the company of Our Lady.  Again, St. Louis Grignion de Montfort offers us another classical book, now with the purpose of animating his readers to pereservere in this most laudable practice. The Secret of the Rosary will make you more devout with your prayers and will console you while you thread in this decaying society. This book is so pastoral that it even includes different ways in which the Rosary can be prayed; which I recommend for those who are just learning to say it or feel confused as to what is the best way of doing it. 

We found Catechisme Catholiquea french cathechism written by Cardinal Gasparri. This is the second french book we have found. I would like french-readers to leave a review of the book for me because I don't understand French. This book has a 1936 Imprimatur & Permissu Superiorum. 

One of the classical books for learning ecclesiology and defending the papacy from the novus ordo apostates, Fr Berry's "Christ's Church" is in the Internet Archive. We believe  this may be the best manual of ecclesiology for laymen we have found to date; other books, like Van Noort's Christ's Church, are either in latin or contain chapters for more advanced readers. It has a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur from 1927. It is not in Public Domain, we believe. 

The Words of the Pope, as well as his writings, are important to remember and learn, specially when they are contradicted by apostate wannabe popes. The Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements offers us a comprehensive list of the Writings of Peter; whether it be an allocution, an Encyclical or a Bull. This book is specially recommended for those who want to defend the Church and learn her doctrine, and for archivers like us who want to know what Papal Writings to preserve.

*All books have approbations*

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